The company was founded in 2000 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The main scope of activity is production and sale of cosmetic products with an essential ingredient – traditional for Bulgaria rose oil. The firm develops and creates high-quality cosmetic series using natural ingredients which take care of the skin in the way it would like – with the power of natural remedies and unique properties of rose oil.
Biofresh Ltd. is developing steadily on the Bulgarian market and outside of the country, owing to its dynamic, young and highly-professional team of specialists, professional experience accumulated through years and tireless work and research of the laboratory staff. The company relies on a balance between long-lasting tradition in rose oil extraction and the use of modern technologies. The newest line Nat’ Aura marks a great success, based on the most advanced techniques and the purest, natural ingredients like organic rose oil, phyto stem cells from Argan, Edelweiss and Echinacea.Furthermore costumers gained stable interest over the years in primary product lines of the brand – Rose of Bulgaria, Regina Floris, Bio Rose Oil of Bulgaria and Yogurt of Bulgaria.
In 2015 the company was honored with the award ‘Strategic investor for Plovdiv region’, because of constructing a high-energy efficient manufacturing enterprise worth 8.5 million Lev.
Over the years the cosmetic company actively participates in outdoor sport events and running activities, especially with the initiative – Color Run. Biofresh believes that ‘health is beauty’. As general sponsor of Tryavna Ultra we challenge you to join the ultramarathon and become part of one of the most exciting adventures of the year, full of emotions and gifts!
The copper production plant of the Group is in the city of Pirdop, Bulgaria. The plant was built in 1958 and main activity is processing of copper concentrates for the production of copper anodes and cathodes, as well as by-products such as sulphuric acid and fayalit. It consists of four main production units: Smelter, Refinery, Acid plant and Flotation plant. In April 2009 the official approval of the new name of the company “Aurubis” was received, after a year earlier the group Cumerio was acquired by Norddeutsche Affinerie AG (NA), after the approval of the European Commission at the beginning of the year.
Today the company employs over 820 people. In 2014 the production of “Aurubis Bulgaria” was 350 000 t. anode copper, 233 000 t. cathode copper and 1 200 000 t. sulphuric acid. The company realizes 8% of the country’s exports to different markets including Turkey, Belgium, China, Singapore, and the imports are mainly by China, the Balkans, the Middle East. Currently the company is the largest user of the Bulgarian ports and rail transport over 2 million cargo shipments per year.
Over the past ten years to modernize production and eco-efficiency improvements in company were invested over EUR 500 million, for which are given a number of awards, including “Investor in Environment Protection” (2014, Bulgarian Investment Agency).
As a part of the Partnership program for development in Srednogorie region, each year the company has made donations amounting to over BGN 6 million to Municipalities of Pirdop and Zlatitsa for implementing a projects in education, sports initiatives, cultural events, development of young talented children, disabled people and healthcare.
Куайсер Фарма е синоним на здравословен живот и посвещаване на цялостното благосъстояние на хората. Нашата работа е изцяло насочена към насърчаване и поддържане на доброто здраве.
Ето защо ние не бихме направили каквото и да било, което би могло да изложи здравето на хората или околната среда на риск.
Всички наши продукти – лекарства, медицински продукти, хранителни добавки, храни или козметика – са с най-високо качество.
Тази фундаментална философия е заложена на практика във всичко, което правим.
Всеки един човек от нашия персонал поема пълна отговорност за качеството на продуктите, които произвеждаме.
Клиентите ни вярват в нашите продукти. Това е защото нашите продукти са съобразени с конкретните им нужди и са неизменно верни на стандартите за високо качество. Нашите клиенти очакват от нас качество и ние приемаме за наша мисия да отговорим на тези очаквания и посвещаваме всеки ден на това.
Running Zone е първият и единствен специализиран магазин за бягане в България. Открит през Април 2014 г., той е създаден и управляван от бегачи.
Тяхната главна цел е да вдъхновяват хората да бягат с удоволствие и да дадат достъп на любителите на бягането до най-добрите и високо оценявани продукти на водещите брандове в областта. Чрез тяхната консултация те искат да помогнат на бегача, независимо дали е начинаещ или напреднал, да открие своята правилна обувка, с която да постигне заложените си цели, да се съхрани от контузии и да бъде удовлетворен от бягането си.
Running Zone осигурява високо ниво на консултация, използвайки специализирано оборудване и софтуер за анализ на стъпалото и на походката. Всеки клиент пробва и тества различни обувки за бягане на бягаща пътека, за да усети предимствата на всяка от тях.
Georgi Dinev, Head of “Sales and Marketing”:
“We’ve partnered with iRun during the trail running and cycling event “Barite”, held in the picturesque area near the village of Chernevo. For us it was a great honor to work with such an impressive team of professionals where each member of the iRun family found their right place. Many thanks for the good advertisement, for the great teamwork and mostly for the very positive emotion, which iRun gave to everyone that was part of the event in some way. The idea of iRun far transcended a mere sports initiative, it has become a cause, a community of people with a better view of the world. My colleagues and I are glad that we were part of it!”
Denitsa Mihaylovska, Manager Events and Public Relations”:
“For Decathlon, whose mission is for sport to be accessible to everyone, is a pleasure to partner with! Their approach to each runner, cyclist, sponsor, partner or volunteer holds a good sense and desire for everything to be organized in the best way. And most importantly – iRun exist for the sake of the people who run with them – to be happy and motivated to surpass themselves every time. Thank you!”