Anyone wishing to participate in Ultramarathon Tryavna Ultra must register and sign up for the race, choosing distance, enter additional data and pay the appropriate fee. (Users who have registered in do not need to register again.)

ATTENTION! Signing up without completing the payment does not finalize the registration! Preliminary or early signup without a paid fee does NOT reserve the right to pay at a discounted fee at a later point (the fee is determined by the moment of the payment, according to the table below)!

Participation Fees

Time Period / Distance 3km 21 km 42 km 80 km 100 km
Pre-enrollment 02/10/2025 incl. FREE 35 euro 45 euro 55 euro 65 euro
Early booking – from 02/11. to 05/26/2025 incl. FREE 45 euro 55 euro 65 euro 75 euro
Standard price – from 05/27/2024 to 06/30/2025 incl. FREE 55 euro 75 euro 85 euro 95 euro


* After 30.06 registrations are not accepted. Registration on site is not performed (excl. for the 3 km distance)

* Distance can be changed before payment.

* For all participants of all distances there is provided: water, medical care, aid stations, electronic reporting of results.

* All participants in the distances 21, 42, 80, 100 kilometers receive additional gift – unique shirt / Tryavna Ultra, branded specifically for the event, and all finishers on those distances in the control time – a unique medal.



Europe Trail Cup



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