80 km

Distance:80 km
Total climbing (D+):3130 meters
Total descent (D-):3130 meters
Start date:18.07.2025 23:00
Time limit:17 hours
ITRA category:3 points
Minimum elevation:432 m.s.l.
Maximum elevation:1520 m.s.l.
Average elevation:761 m.s.l.
Maximum difference:1025 meters
Start elevation:443 m.s.l.
End elevation:443 m.s.l.

Aid stations

AID / Info Km From Start Supplies GPS Coordinates To Next Station Cut off
AID "Sechen Kamak" 13.3 km Food, Beverages, Transport 42.858456, 25.423542 Distance: 16.5 km
D+: 643 m
D-: 749 m
AID "Yabalka" 29.8 km Food, Beverages, Transport 42.783738, 25.383989 Distance: 12.7 km
D+: 985 m
D-: 209 m
"Mladost" 42.5 км Food, Beverages, Transport 42.735718, 25.39513 Дистанция: 10 km
D+: 331 m
D-: 644 m
AID "Balgarka" 52.1 km Food, Beverages 42.76482, 25.503139 Distance: 14.2 km
D+: 196 m
D-: 798 m
AID "Stanchov Han" 66 km Food, Beverages, Transport 42.814399, 25.561261 Distance: 9 km
D+: 303 m
D-: 282 m
"Plachkovtsi" 75 km Food, Beverages, Transport 42.830993, 25.522582 Distance: 6 km
D+: 245 m
D-: 307 m

Required equipment

  • container(s) holding at least 1 litter of water – plastic bottle for running, water-skin or other (it is important to notice that without a water container the participant will not be able to receive any water at the control points!)
  • Mobile phone with a fully charged battery – and (highly recommended) additional charged battery or power bank (using GPS or losing cover drains the battery power faster)
  • Whistle (to alert in case of an accident);
  • survival blanket
  • jacket (wind and water resistant)
  • food with energy equivalent of at least 500 kcal
The required equipment will be checked at the start or when giving out the start packages. Every runner has to carry the required equipment by himself and can be checked at ANY aid station OR at the final when he/she finishes the race. A missing whistle, food, jacket (wind and water resistant) or containers holding less than 1 liter of liquids will have a penalty of one hour each. Anything else missing from the required equipment (including no liquid containers) will follow immediate disqualification.

Recommended equipment:

  • First Aid Kit (bandage, tape, lint, analgesic, antihistamine, saline solution)
  • a source of light - headlamp or other convenient LED lighting portable body with full or new batteries
  • a cup for water and other liquid (there will be no plastic cups at the aid stations)
  • Small bell (for protection of wild animals – to make noise while moving)
  • Baseball cap or other means of sun protection (note – the race starts at 6 a.m. and the sun might be strong during the noon hours);
  • Compass and a small printed map;
  • Polyester clothes, comfortable sports shoes for running – preferably with trail tread;
  • Poles to support the movement – optional
  • Spray protection from animals or other means of protection.
  • Insect repellents, sunscreen cosmetics.
There are no penalties for missing recommended equipment.

Create your team

You can make a team of 2 people and participate in the team ranklist as well! Join the adventure with a team mate. Team participation is OPTIONAL

How does it work?
When you sign up for the competition just choose "80km team" from the dropdown and follow the instructions. You can choose a unique name for your team!


  • Every participant participating in the team competition will be also in the ranklist of the individual 80km distance
  • You are not required to run together with your partner - your finish times will be summed at the end and will determine the place of your team
  • If somebody from the team quits or is disqualified the the team will be with DNF status in the ranklist but the other participant (that is not disqualified or given up) will still be in the individual ranklist!


  • Pre-enrollment 02/10/2025 incl.: 55 EUR
  • Early booking – from 02/11. to 05/26/2025 incl.: 65 EUR
  • Standard price – from 05/27/2025 to 06/30/2025 incl.: 85 EUR


* After 30.06 registrations are not accepted. Registration on site is not performed (excl. for the 3 km distance)

* Distance can be changed before payment.

* For all participants of all distances there is provided: water, medical care, aid stations, electronic reporting of results.

* All participants in the distances 21, 42, 80, 100 kilometers receive additional gift - unique shirt iRun.bg / Tryavna Ultra, branded specifically for the event, and all finishers on those distances - a unique medal.




Europe Trail Cup



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With the support of:

simaro Top Print Hotel Panorama moretonet SWAT